Traditional acupuncture is a gentle yet effective, ancient system of medicine that originated in China over 2000 years ago. It is a safe treatment for all. It continues to develop and evolve in our modern world and is widely used in main-stream and private health services in many countries today. Acupuncture can effectively treat almost the entire spectrum of illness – physical, psychological, acute and chronic. Good health is not just the absence of pain or disease: Chinese Medicine understands that we are part of the natural environment and that illness is a disturbance of the ecosystem of the body. Pain and illness occur when the body’s Qi (or vital energy) stops flowing freely or becomes unbalanced. Acupuncture works to restore the body’s equilibrium (restore the free-flow of Qi) improving overall well-being as well as treating symptoms and their underlying cause. It can be used alongside conventional medicine and is also helpful as a preventative measure to strengthen the constitution. People who come for acupuncture almost always report feeling better in themselves.
“Current preliminary evidence suggests that acupuncture given with embryo transfer improves rates of pregnancy and live birth amongst women undergoing IVF.”
British Medical Journal, March 2008
Recent guidelines on treating back pain for GP’s state:
“Consider offering a course of acupuncture needling, up to a maximum of ten sessions over a period of twelve weeks”
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, May 2009
“Acupuncture modalities were as effective as antidepressants employed for the treatment of depression.”
J. Affect Disorders, January 2007
Mobile. 07952 207997
Member of British Acupuncture Council and Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Teja has been practicing acupuncture for 28 years. Listening to and treating the whole person is fundamental to her work. She has undertaken considerable Continuing Professional Development, including training in the treatment of specific diseases, anxiety and depression, infertility and supporting women through pregnancy and labour. 15 years ago Teja completed a further 3 years study in Chinese Herbalism. She may offer dietary, herbal and other lifestyle advice. She also works at in Manchester. Teja loves meditating and teaches on retreats.
Whatever your presenting problem, Teja will be interested in all aspects of your health and lifestyle and explore these in some depth with you. If you are considering having acupuncture and would like to discuss whether to have treatment, give her a call. She would be glad to talk to you about other patients experiences.
Availability: Friday
BSc (Hons), MBAcC
Tel: 07886253487
Member of British Acupuncture Council
Beth is an acupuncturist practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture (TCM). Her interest in the treatment arose after experiencing the benefits of acupuncture herself more than 20 years ago. After several years working in the NHS Beth decided to pursue her dream of becoming an acupuncturist, spending 3 years studying for her degree at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York.
Beth is passionate about helping her clients achieve physical, emotional and mental well-being. She treats a range of conditions using acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping therapy, and keeps her knowledge and skills up to date by regularly attending courses and seminars. She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council (the UK’s largest professional body for the practice of traditional acupuncture).
Beth has an established practice in Oswestry as well as Llangollen.
Availability: Tuesday and Thursday